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Spark interest. Engage. Develop new skills.

All in a virtual setting!

Choose which development
direction you want to take with
MissionOne’s VR simulation

Conscious Leadership

Leadership based on empowerment, tapping into employee potential. Managing one’s own ego and creating space for the development of leadership attitudes in the organization. Building Leader to Leader, rather than Leader to Follower relationships.

Culture of accountability

Creating teams responsible for results, relationships, and customers. The process of moving from “What’s the decision, boss?” to “Here’s what I’m going to do.”

Building Psychological Safety

Open Communication, Authenticity, Diversity and Willingness to Help. Security as a trigger for initiative and commitment.

Building a team that cares

Collaboration within the team and at the departmental interface. Creating routines and habits of effective internal communication. Building trust and commitment.

Decision-making process and Risk Management

Defining Decision Owners. Decisions Closer to Information vs Hierarchical. Acceptable vs Critical Errors – Risk Management.

VR simulation
in a nutshell

VR Mission One is a multiplayer simulator, transporting users into the virtual environment of a submarine and a helicopter. The team is split into two units: Helicopter and Ship. Within each vehicle, individuals take on roles modeled after actual positions and the task of the crews is to jointly carry out the assigned missions.

In order to achieve success, each participant must cooperate and maintain control of their area of responsibility.

The immerse VR simulation experience that delivers results


VR simulation is a unique experience of Leader/Team development with the use of virtual reality missions on a nuclear submarine and a helicopter.


The simulation is based on the story of the legendary submariner David Marquet, who by introducing a culture of responsibility among his crew managed to create the best functioning ship in the history of the US Navy in the space of just 9 months.


VR simulation is a tool with a broad range of applications that allows for the learning and practice of efficient cooperation, teamwork and leadership.


During the simulation, the role of each individual crew member is crucial to the success of the mission. Only teams with developed habits of cooperation, co-responsibility and trust are able to accomplish joint objectives without causing armed conflict.

Your partner in developing skills of the future

With extensive workshops that help to introduce you to the VR world and custom VR solutions we can help you transform your learning and development programs.

We have created a multiplayer solution that has delivered great results for our customers and we’re continuing to work on XR solutions.


If you made it this far, we must have made a good first impression.

Come and explore further with us.